
Report: Yahoo in talks to use Google search ads

Yahoo!决定用不多于两周的时间,拿出不多于3%的搜索流量,在美国范围内测试使用Google AdSense的效果,以便在微软给出的最后期限4月26日前,得出一个可供参考的收益指标。如果和Google的合作可以带来足够多的收入,那么它就可以说服股东拒绝微软的收购。没有想到,Google成了Yahoo!最后的救命稻草。但这个举动来得稍微有点晚,有点匆忙,假如过去两个多月双方没有就此进行准备的话。我早就说过,Yahoo!没有别的出路,如果它不想被微软收购,它就必需停止四处涂抹花生酱,回归自己的核心业务(媒体和社区),将搜索广告外包给Google。

Report: Yahoo in talks to use Google search ads:

Yahoo lags Google both in search market share and in the ad revenue generated for each search, but it's a major Web site that delivers millions of advertisements daily. Using Google ads could help increase the revenue generated by each ad, depending on how revenue is shared between Google and Yahoo. The Journal said Yahoo likely would keep a majority of such revenue.

