
China, Plurk Wants to Make Peace, Not War! Please Lift the Ban!


China, Plurk Wants to Make Peace, Not War! Please Lift the Ban!:

Finally, we ask Plurkers to please help spread the word about Plurk’s ban in China. Tell your friends, tell local newspapers and media websites and help China reconsider its actions. We are confident that with enough support and awareness, China will lift this ban and Plurk will again be well on its way to becoming the worlds most beloved communication platform!

3 条评论:

  1. 宁肯错杀一千,不可放过一个。

  2. 如果给外国人解释潜规则 是件挺难的事儿。

  3. plurk上台湾人多着呢 google上搜索第一个就是个关于西xxx藏的 没戏
